
Welcome to Top of the World Elementary School (TOW), home of the Dolphins.

Established in 1967, TOW is located on a hilltop in Laguna Beach California with stunning views of the Saddleback Valley. TOW is a California Distinguished School with over 592 students and an outstanding heritage of teachers dedicated to effective instruction.

TOW is known for its community involvement, strong academic performance, and shared values that recognize the need to educate the “whole child.” We embody the belief that all students can succeed.

The community shows its support through robust parent participation. This is evident not only in the classroom but throughout the campus, with over 34,000 donated hours last year alone.

Academics are enhanced through the school’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), as well as weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLC) where teachers work collaboratively to improve student learning.

TOW recognizes its responsibility to meet student’s learning needs beyond the core curriculum. This is achieved through quality physical education programming, Art Masters, music instruction as well as a wide range of after-school offerings. TOW believes in celebrating kindness and compassion through initiatives such as Rachel’s Challenge and its Peer Assistance and Leadership (PALs). The TOW family emphasizes a strong commitment to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and is proud to maintain its hometown feel while instilling a sense of global interconnectedness within every student



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